Here is a list of telegram games/airdrops that will take almost no time out of your day to deal with. We know that not everyone want to spend a lot of time on farming token and why we are writing this post. These apps should only take you a few seconds to a few minutes of your time everyday.
Iceberg Bot

Iceberg is a very easy bot and take you claim your tokens and restarting the farm every 6 – 7 hours and takes about a few seconds to do that. So if you have never used this bot please click here to join the bot and get started before its too late!
ALSO READ: Dragonz Land Bot: A Good Look Into How It Works
Shuttle Bot

Shuttle is also a game you can just visit here and there to collect your coins. Here you will have to do it out from how much you have boosted your mining rate. How many coins you can hold at a time before you collect them. So a good idea to boost your mining. If you havn’t joined this bot yet please click here!
Boom Loud Coin

Boom coin is again a token you can farm just clicking twice on a button after a few hours. You can also invest your mined coins under income. You can also upgrade your mining and gain more everytime. If you not using the bot click here to join!
Cyber Finance

Cyber Finance is a great project and an easy airdrop. Just need to click collect and start. If you want to mine more you need to boost your mining to add time and amount you collect. This is one of the better airdrops on telegram. If you havn’t joined yet click here!
Cryptorank Bot

Cryptorank bot is your airdrop of the next coinmarketcap website. They have already build an amazing website with market data and more. You can build your portfolio. see funding rounds and even ICO and IDOs coming up. If you havn’t joined yet please click here!
The End
You should check out all these bots. We do have a few more but that will be in a different post so this wont be too long. You should also check the different airdrops projects and what they do. You might find something interesting.
If you havn’t joined our telegram group please click here and get daily combos and new games/airdrops everyday!